Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Look who's TWO

Her hair was always so crazyMinnie for Halloween 0918 months
My little Lexie has grown up so quickly, I can't believe she is two. I know every mother says it but time does fly. I have really enjoyed being a mother to this little girl, she is always so happy and smiley ( sometimes) :). She is definitely in her terrible two's , she entered that a bit early. She talks so much for her age, it amazes me what she can say, she must listen well to what others say, she's a little parrot also. Tomorrow we have her 2 year check-up so I will have to see what her height and weight stats are. I am so blessed to have such a great little girl. I love looking back at all her photos from these past two years to see how much she has changed. I still call her baby, which i probably shouldn't do but to me she will always be my beautiful little baby that came out with a load of hair on her head. haah
Happy 2nd Birthday Lexie Rae
I love you lots!